
I'm used to it!

私は、日本、ことに東京のことを話すのが好きで、そして、そのことを話すといつも小さいアパートや家の話で終わることは避けられません。話を聞いている人たちは驚き、何でそれでも東京が好きなのか、不思議に思っているようなのですが、ですから、私は「もう慣れちゃった "I'm used to it!"と答えることにしています。そのこころは、「私も最初はショックを受けたが、これらのアパートに慣れてきて、今はもう、私にとって奇妙ではない」ということです。

このような話題には、used toという言い回しはとても便利です。それは、慣れるという意味です。それは、以前は奇妙であったものに、慣れ親しんでいく人の感情や様子の変化を表現することができます。

used to の後に名詞がくるものと、....ing がくる二つの表現に分かれますが、意味はどちらも同じです。

I didn't like natto at first, but now I'm used to it.
最初は納豆は好きじゃなかったけど、もう慣れちゃいました。 When I first came to Tokyo I couldn't bear the hot summer months but now I'm used to the heat.


I'm still not used to bathing naked with strangers.
I had trouble at first, but now I'm used to driving down very narrow streets.

あなたの気持ちが少しずつ変化していることを表現するには、get used to かbecome used to を使ってください。で、でも、get used to の方が一般的ですね。

I think people in Tokyo have gotten used to seeing foreigners on a daily basis.
I lived in Japan for 15 years but I never got used to the crowded trains at rush hour.


I'm used to it!

I like to talk about Japan, especially Tokyo, and whenever I talk about it I inevitably end up discussing how small the apartments and houses are. Of course the people I'm talking to are surprised, and they wonder why I like Tokyo, so I say, "I'm used to it!" What I mean is, at first I was shocked, but I grew accustomed to these apartments. Now they are not strange to me.

In a discussion like this, the phrase used to is very convenient. It means accustomed to. It can express the change in one's feelings, or the state of feeling familiar with something that was previously strange.

There are two ways to use this expression but they both have the same meaning. When the object of your feeling is a noun, say used to something:

I didn't like natto at first, but now I'm used to it.When I first came to Tokyo I couldn't bear the hot summer months but now I'm used to the heat.

When the object of your feeling is a verb, an action, say used to doing:

I'm still not used to bathing naked with strangers.
I had trouble at first, but now I'm used to driving down very narrow streets.

To express a gradual change in your feelings, you can say get used to or become used to, but get used to is more common:

I think people in Tokyo have gotten used to seeing foreigners on a daily basis.
I lived in Japan for 15 years but I never got used to the crowded trains at rush hour.

